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- /* Copyright (C) 1990, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gstype1.c */
- /* Adobe Type 1 font routines for Ghostscript library */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h" /* for gxchar */
- #include "gxdevmem.h" /* ditto */
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gxchar.h"
- #include "gxfont.h"
- #include "gxtype1.h"
- #include "gxop1.h"
- /* Define whether to always do Flex segments as curves. */
- /* This is only an issue because some old Adobe DPS fonts */
- /* seem to violate the Flex specification in a way that requires this. */
- /* Encrypt a string. */
- int
- gs_type1_encrypt(byte *dest, const byte *src, uint len, crypt_state *pstate)
- { register crypt_state state = *pstate;
- register const byte *from = src;
- register byte *to = dest;
- register uint count = len;
- while ( count )
- { encrypt_next(*from, state, *to);
- from++, to++, count--;
- }
- *pstate = state;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Decrypt a string. */
- int
- gs_type1_decrypt(byte *dest, const byte *src, uint len, crypt_state *pstate)
- { register crypt_state state = *pstate;
- register const byte *from = src;
- register byte *to = dest;
- register uint count = len;
- while ( count )
- { /* If from == to, we can't use the obvious */
- /* decrypt_next(*from, state, *to); */
- register byte ch = *from++;
- decrypt_next(ch, state, *to);
- to++, count--;
- }
- *pstate = state;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Export the size of the structure */
- const uint gs_type1_state_sizeof = sizeof(gs_type1_state);
- /* Imported procedures */
- extern int gx_matrix_to_fixed_coeff(P3(gs_matrix *, fixed_coeff *, int));
- /* Initialize a Type 1 interpreter. */
- /* The caller must supply a string to the first call of gs_type1_interpret. */
- int
- gs_type1_init(register gs_type1_state *pis, gs_show_enum *penum,
- int charpath_flag, int paint_type, gs_type1_data *pdata)
- { gs_state *pgs = penum->pgs;
- int log2_scale = 0; /* change eventually */
- pis->penum = penum;
- pis->pgs = pgs;
- pis->pdata = pdata;
- pis->charpath_flag = charpath_flag;
- pis->paint_type = paint_type;
- pis->os_count = 0;
- pis->ips_count = 1;
- pis->sb_set = 0;
- pis->seac_base = -1;
- pis->flex_count = flex_max; /* not in Flex */
- pis->in_dotsection = 0;
- pis->vstem3_set = 0;
- pis->vs_offset.x = pis->vs_offset.y = 0;
- set_pixel_scale(&pis->scale, log2_scale);
- reset_stem_hints(pis);
- gx_matrix_to_fixed_coeff(&ctm_only(pgs), &pis->fc, max_coeff_bits);
- compute_font_hints(&pis->fh, &pgs->ctm, log2_scale, pdata);
- /* Set the current point of the path to the origin, */
- /* in anticipation of the initial [h]sbw. */
- { gx_path *ppath = pgs->path;
- ppath->position.x = pis->position.x = pgs->ctm.tx_fixed;
- ppath->position.y = pis->position.y = pgs->ctm.ty_fixed;
- }
- /* Set the flatness to a value that is likely to produce */
- /* reasonably good-looking curves, regardless of its */
- /* current value in the graphics state. */
- { /* If the character is very small, set the flatness */
- /* to zero, which will produce very accurate curves. */
- float cxx = fabs(pgs->ctm.xx), cyy = fabs(pgs->ctm.yy);
- if ( cyy > cxx ) cxx = cyy;
- if ( is_skewed(&pgs->ctm) )
- { float cxy = fabs(pgs->ctm.xy), cyx = fabs(pgs->ctm.yx);
- if ( cxy > cxx ) cxx = cxy;
- if ( cyx > cxx ) cxx = cyx;
- }
- pis->flatness = (cxx >= 0.2 ? cxx : 0.0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Tracing for type 1 interpreter */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- # define dc(str) if ( gs_debug['1'] ) type1_trace(cip, c, str);
- private void near
- type1_trace(const byte *cip, byte c, const char _ds *str)
- { dprintf3("[1]%lx: %02x %s\n", (ulong)(cip - 1), c, (char *)str);
- }
- #else
- # define dc(str)
- #endif
- /* Define the state used by operator procedures. */
- /* These macros refer to a current instance (s) of gs_op1_state. */
- #define sppath s.ppath
- #define sfc s.fc
- #define ptx s.px
- #define pty s.py
- /* Accumulate relative coordinates */
- /* This probably doesn't make any difference in practice. */
- #define c_fixed(d, c) m_fixed(d, c, sfc, max_coeff_bits)
- #define accum_x(dx)\
- ptx += c_fixed(dx, xx);\
- if ( sfc.skewed ) pty += c_fixed(dx, xy)
- #define accum_y(dy)\
- pty += c_fixed(dy, yy);\
- if ( sfc.skewed ) ptx += c_fixed(dy, yx)
- #define accum_xy(dx,dy)\
- accum_xy_proc(&s, dx, dy)
- #define s (*ps)
- private void near
- accum_xy_proc(register is_ptr ps, fixed dx, fixed dy)
- { ptx += m_fixed(dx, xx, sfc, max_coeff_bits),
- pty += m_fixed(dy, yy, sfc, max_coeff_bits);
- if ( sfc.skewed )
- ptx += m_fixed(dy, yx, sfc, max_coeff_bits),
- pty += m_fixed(dx, xy, sfc, max_coeff_bits);
- }
- /* We round all endpoints of lines or curves */
- /* to the nearest quarter-pixel, and suppress null lines. */
- /* (Rounding to the half-pixel causes too many dropouts.) */
- /* This saves a lot of rendering work for small characters. */
- #define pixel_rounded(fx)\
- (((fx) + float2fixed(0.125)) & float2fixed(-0.25))
- #define must_draw_to(lpx, lpy, px, py)\
- ((lpx = pixel_rounded(px)), (lpy = pixel_rounded(py)),\
- (psub = sppath->current_subpath) == 0 ||\
- (pseg = psub->last)->type == s_line_close ||\
- lpx != pseg->pt.x || lpy != pseg->pt.y)
- /* ------ Operator procedures ------ */
- /* We put these before the interpreter to save having to write */
- /* prototypes for all of them. */
- int
- gs_op1_closepath(register is_ptr ps)
- { /* Note that this does NOT reset the current point! */
- int code = gx_path_close_subpath(sppath);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- return gx_path_add_point(sppath, ptx, pty); /* put the point where it was */
- }
- int
- gs_op1_sbw(register is_ptr ps, fixed sbx, fixed sby, fixed wx, fixed wy)
- { register gs_type1_state *pis = ps->pis;
- if ( !pis->sb_set )
- pis->lsb.x = sbx, pis->lsb.y = sby;
- pis->width.x = wx, pis->width.y = wy;
- if_debug4('1',"[1]sb=(%g,%g) w=(%g,%g)\n",
- fixed2float(pis->lsb.x), fixed2float(pis->lsb.y),
- fixed2float(pis->width.x), fixed2float(pis->width.y));
- accum_xy(pis->lsb.x, pis->lsb.y);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gs_op1_hsbw(register is_ptr ps, fixed sbx, fixed wx)
- { return gs_op1_sbw(ps, sbx, fixed_0, wx, fixed_0);
- }
- int
- gs_op1_rrcurveto(register is_ptr ps, fixed dx1, fixed dy1,
- fixed dx2, fixed dy2, fixed dx3, fixed dy3)
- { gs_fixed_point pt1, pt2, pt3;
- gs_type1_state *pis = ps->pis;
- fixed ax0 = sppath->position.x - ptx;
- fixed ay0 = sppath->position.y - pty;
- /* Following declarations are only for must_draw_to */
- fixed lpx, lpy;
- subpath *psub;
- segment *pseg;
- accum_xy(dx1, dy1);
- pt1.x = ptx + ax0, pt1.y = pty + ay0;
- accum_xy(dx2, dy2);
- pt2.x = ptx, pt2.y = pty;
- accum_xy(dx3, dy3);
- find_stem_hints(pis, ptx, pty, dx3, dy3, &pt3);
- if ( must_draw_to(lpx, lpy, pt3.x, pt3.y) )
- { /* Adjust second control point for endpoint hint */
- /* and rounding. */
- pt2.x += lpx - ptx, pt2.y += lpy - pty;
- return gx_path_add_flattened_curve(sppath, pt1.x, pt1.y,
- pt2.x, pt2.y, lpx, lpy, pis->flatness);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #undef s
- /* ------ Main interpreter ------ */
- /* Continue interpreting a Type 1 CharString. */
- /* If str != 0, it is taken as the byte string to interpret. */
- /* Return 0 on successful completion, <0 on error, */
- /* or >0 when client intervention is required. */
- /* The int * argument is where the character is stored for seac, */
- /* or the othersubr # for callothersubr. */
- private int near type1_endchar(P3(gs_type1_state *, gs_state *, gx_path *));
- int
- gs_type1_interpret(register gs_type1_state *pis, const byte *str,
- const gs_point *psbpt, int *pindex)
- { gs_state *pgs = pis->pgs;
- gs_type1_data *pdata = pis->pdata;
- gs_op1_state s;
- fixed cstack[ostack_size];
- #define cs0 cstack[0]
- #define ics0 fixed2int_var(cs0)
- #define cs1 cstack[1]
- #define ics1 fixed2int_var(cs1)
- #define cs2 cstack[2]
- #define ics2 fixed2int_var(cs2)
- #define cs3 cstack[3]
- #define ics3 fixed2int_var(cs3)
- #define cs4 cstack[4]
- #define ics4 fixed2int_var(cs4)
- #define cs5 cstack[5]
- #define ics5 fixed2int_var(cs5)
- register fixed _ss *csp;
- #define clear csp = cstack - 1
- ip_state *ipsp = &pis->ipstack[pis->ips_count - 1];
- register const byte *cip;
- register crypt_state state;
- register int c;
- int code = 0;
- fixed ftx = pgs->ctm.tx_fixed, fty = pgs->ctm.ty_fixed;
- gs_fixed_point hpt;
- /* Following are only for must_draw_to */
- fixed lpx, lpy;
- subpath *psub;
- segment *pseg;
- sppath = pgs->path;
- s.pis = pis;
- sfc = pis->fc;
- ptx = pis->position.x;
- pty = pis->position.y;
- /* Check for a side bearing override. */
- if ( psbpt != 0 )
- { gs_point_transform2fixed(&pgs->ctm, psbpt->x, psbpt->y,
- &pis->lsb);
- pis->sb_set = 1;
- }
- /* Copy the operand stack out of the saved state. */
- if ( pis->os_count == 0 )
- { clear;
- }
- else
- { memcpy(cstack, pis->ostack, pis->os_count * sizeof(fixed));
- csp = &cstack[pis->os_count - 1];
- }
- if ( str == 0 ) goto cont;
- cip = str;
- call: state = crypt_charstring_seed;
- { int skip = pdata->lenIV;
- /* Skip initial random bytes */
- for ( ; skip > 0; --skip )
- { decrypt_skip_next(*cip, state); ++cip;
- }
- }
- goto top;
- cont: cip = ipsp->ip;
- state = ipsp->dstate;
- top: while ( 1 )
- { uint c0;
- c = decrypt_this((c0 = *cip++), state);
- decrypt_skip_next(c0, state);
- switch ( (char_command)c )
- {
- #define cnext clear; goto top
- #define inext goto top
- case c_hstem: dc("hstem")
- type1_hstem(pis, cs0, cs1);
- cnext;
- case c_vstem: dc("vstem")
- type1_vstem(pis, cs0, cs1);
- cnext;
- case c_vmoveto: dc("vmoveto")
- cs1 = cs0;
- cs0 = 0;
- accum_y(cs1);
- move: /* cs0 = dx, cs1 = dy for hint checking. */
- find_stem_hints(pis, ptx, pty, cs0, cs1, &hpt);
- /* Round to the nearest center of a quarter-pixel. */
- if ( must_draw_to(lpx, lpy, hpt.x, hpt.y) )
- code = gx_path_add_point(sppath, lpx, lpy);
- goto cc;
- case c_rlineto: dc("rlineto")
- accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
- line: /* cs0 = dx, cs1 = dy for hint checking. */
- find_stem_hints(pis, ptx, pty, cs0, cs1, &hpt);
- /* Round to the nearest center of a quarter-pixel. */
- if ( must_draw_to(lpx, lpy, hpt.x, hpt.y) )
- code = gx_path_add_line(sppath, lpx, lpy);
- cc: if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pp: if_debug2('1', "[1]pt=(%g,%g)\n",
- fixed2float(ptx), fixed2float(pty));
- cnext;
- case c_hlineto: dc("hlineto")
- accum_x(cs0);
- cs1 = 0;
- goto line;
- case c_vlineto: dc("vlineto")
- cs1 = cs0;
- cs0 = 0;
- accum_y(cs1);
- goto line;
- case c_rrcurveto: dc("rrcurveto")
- code = gs_op1_rrcurveto(&s, cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5);
- goto cc;
- case c_closepath: dc("closepath")
- code = gs_op1_closepath(&s);
- goto cc;
- case c_callsubr: dc("callsubr")
- { int index = fixed2int_var(*csp);
- const byte *nip;
- code = (*pdata->subr_proc)(pdata, index, &nip);
- if ( code < 0 ) return_error(code);
- --csp;
- ipsp->ip = cip, ipsp->dstate = state;
- ++ipsp;
- cip = nip;
- }
- goto call;
- case c_return: dc("return")
- --ipsp;
- goto cont;
- case c_escape: dc("escape:")
- decrypt_next(*cip, state, c); ++cip;
- switch ( (char_extended_command)c )
- {
- case ce_dotsection: dc(" dotsection")
- pis->in_dotsection = !pis->in_dotsection;
- cnext;
- case ce_vstem3: dc(" vstem3")
- if ( !pis->vstem3_set && pis->fh.use_x_hints )
- { center_vstem(pis, pis->lsb.x + cs2, cs3);
- /* Adjust the current point */
- /* (center_vstem handles everything else). */
- ptx += pis->vs_offset.x;
- pty += pis->vs_offset.y;
- pis->vstem3_set = 1;
- }
- type1_vstem(pis, cs0, cs1);
- type1_vstem(pis, cs2, cs3);
- type1_vstem(pis, cs4, cs5);
- cnext;
- case ce_hstem3: dc(" hstem3")
- type1_hstem(pis, cs0, cs1);
- type1_hstem(pis, cs2, cs3);
- type1_hstem(pis, cs4, cs5);
- cnext;
- case ce_seac: dc(" seac")
- /* Do the accent now. When it finishes */
- /* (detected in endchar), do the base character. */
- pis->seac_base = ics3;
- /* Adjust the origin of the coordinate system */
- /* for the accent (endchar puts it back). */
- ptx = ftx, pty = fty;
- /* The Adobe documentation says that adx/ady are */
- /* the offset for the *origin*, but they're */
- /* actually the offset for the *lsb*: */
- cs1 += pis->lsb.x - cs0;
- cs2 += pis->lsb.y;
- accum_xy(cs1, cs2);
- sppath->position.x = pis->position.x = ptx;
- sppath->position.y = pis->position.y = pty;
- pis->os_count = 0; /* clear */
- /* Give control back to the caller, who must */
- /* re-invoke the interpreter with the seac string. */
- *pindex = ics4;
- return type1_result_seac;
- case ce_sbw: dc(" sbw")
- code = gs_op1_sbw(&s, cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3);
- goto cc;
- case ce_div: dc(" div")
- csp[-1] = float2fixed((float)csp[-1] / (float)*csp);
- --csp; goto pushed;
- case ce_undoc15: dc(" undoc15")
- /* See gstype1.h for information on this opcode. */
- cnext;
- case ce_callothersubr: dc(" callothersubr")
- #define fpts pis->flex_points
- /* Check that the next opcode is a `pop'. */
- #define check_next_pop()\
- decrypt_next(*cip, state, c);\
- if ( c != c_escape ) return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);\
- decrypt_next(cip[1], state, c);\
- if ( c != ce_pop ) return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);\
- cip += 2
- /* We must remember to pop both the othersubr # */
- /* and the argument count off the stack. */
- switch ( *pindex = fixed2int_var(*csp) )
- {
- case 0:
- { /* We have to do something really sleazy */
- /* here, namely, make it look as though */
- /* the rmovetos never really happened, */
- /* because we don't want to interrupt */
- /* the current subpath. */
- gs_fixed_point ept;
- fixed fheight = csp[-4];
- gs_fixed_point hpt;
- if ( pis->flex_count != 8 )
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
- /* Make sure the next two opcodes */
- /* are `pop' `pop'. */
- check_next_pop();
- check_next_pop();
- csp[-4] = csp[-3];
- csp[-3] = csp[-2];
- csp -= 3;
- gx_path_current_point(sppath, &ept);
- gx_path_add_point(sppath, fpts[0].x, fpts[0].y);
- sppath->subpath_open = /* <--- sleaze */
- pis->flex_path_was_open;
- /* Decide whether to do the flex as a curve. */
- hpt.x = fpts[1].x - fpts[4].x;
- hpt.y = fpts[1].y - fpts[4].y;
- if_debug3('1',
- "[1]flex: d=(%g,%g), height=%g\n",
- fixed2float(hpt.x), fixed2float(hpt.y),
- fixed2float(fheight) / 100);
- #if !ALWAYS_DO_FLEX_AS_CURVE /* See beginning of file. */
- if ( any_abs(hpt.x) + any_abs(hpt.y) <
- fheight / 100
- )
- { /* Do the flex as a line. */
- code = gx_path_add_line(sppath,
- ept.x, ept.y);
- }
- else
- #endif
- { /* Do the flex as a curve. */
- code = gx_path_add_flattened_curve(sppath,
- fpts[2].x, fpts[2].y,
- fpts[3].x, fpts[3].y,
- fpts[4].x, fpts[4].y,
- pis->flatness);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- code = gx_path_add_flattened_curve(sppath,
- fpts[5].x, fpts[5].y,
- fpts[6].x, fpts[6].y,
- fpts[7].x, fpts[7].y,
- pis->flatness);
- }
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pis->flex_count = flex_max; /* not inside flex */
- inext;
- case 1:
- gx_path_current_point(sppath, &fpts[0]);
- pis->flex_path_was_open = /* <--- more sleaze */
- sppath->subpath_open;
- pis->flex_count = 1;
- csp -= 2;
- inext;
- case 2:
- if ( pis->flex_count >= flex_max )
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
- gx_path_current_point(sppath,
- &fpts[pis->flex_count++]);
- csp -= 2;
- inext;
- case 3:
- /* Make sure the next opcode is a `pop'. */
- check_next_pop();
- reset_stem_hints(pis);
- csp -= 2;
- inext;
- }
- #undef fpts
- /* Not a recognized othersubr, */
- /* let the client handle it. */
- { int scount = csp - cstack;
- pis->position.x = ptx;
- pis->position.y = pty;
- /* Exit to caller */
- ipsp->ip = cip, ipsp->dstate = state;
- pis->os_count = scount;
- pis->ips_count = ipsp - &pis->ipstack[0] + 1;
- if ( scount )
- memcpy(pis->ostack, cstack,
- scount * sizeof(fixed));
- return type1_result_callothersubr;
- }
- case ce_pop: dc(" pop")
- ++csp;
- code = (*pdata->pop_proc)(pdata, csp);
- if ( code < 0 ) return_error(code);
- goto pushed;
- case ce_setcurrentpoint: dc(" setcurrentpoint")
- ptx = ftx, pty = fty;
- accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
- goto pp;
- default:
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
- }
- break;
- case c_hsbw: dc("hsbw")
- code = gs_op1_hsbw(&s, cs0, cs1);
- goto cc;
- case c_endchar: dc("endchar")
- if ( pis->seac_base >= 0 )
- { /* We just finished the accent of a seac. */
- /* Do the base character. */
- *pindex = pis->seac_base;
- pis->seac_base = -1;
- /* Restore the coordinate system origin */
- sppath->position.x = pis->position.x = ftx;
- sppath->position.y = pis->position.y = fty;
- pis->os_count = 0; /* clear */
- /* Clear the ipstack, in case the accent ended */
- /* inside a subroutine. */
- pis->ips_count = 1;
- /* Give control back to the caller, who must */
- /* re-invoke the interpreter with the */
- /* base character string. */
- return type1_result_seac;
- }
- /* This is a real endchar. Handle it below. */
- return type1_endchar(pis, pgs, sppath);
- case c_undoc15: dc(" undoc15")
- /* See gstype1.h for information on this opcode. */
- cnext;
- case c_rmoveto: dc("rmoveto")
- accum_xy(cs0, cs1);
- goto move;
- case c_hmoveto: dc("hmoveto")
- accum_x(cs0);
- cs1 = 0;
- goto move;
- case c_vhcurveto: dc("vhcurveto")
- code = gs_op1_rrcurveto(&s, fixed_0, cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, fixed_0);
- goto cc;
- case c_hvcurveto: dc("hvcurveto")
- code = gs_op1_rrcurveto(&s, cs0, fixed_0, cs1, cs2, fixed_0, cs3);
- goto cc;
- /* Fill up the dispatch up to 32. */
- case c_undef0: case c_undef2:
- case c_undef16: case c_undef17: case c_undef18: case c_undef19:
- case c_undef20: case c_undef23:
- case c_undef24: case c_undef25: case c_undef26: case c_undef27:
- case c_undef28: case c_undef29:
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfont);
- /* Fill up the dispatch for 1-byte numbers. */
- #define icase(n) case n:
- #define ncase(n) case n: *++csp = int2fixed(c_value_num1(n)); goto pushed;
- #define icase10(n)\
- icase(n) icase(n+1) icase(n+2) icase(n+3) icase(n+4)\
- icase(n+5) icase(n+6) icase(n+7) icase(n+8) icase(n+9)
- #define ncase10(n)\
- ncase(n) ncase(n+1) ncase(n+2) ncase(n+3) ncase(n+4)\
- ncase(n+5) ncase(n+6) ncase(n+7) ncase(n+8) ncase(n+9)
- icase(32) icase(33) icase(34)
- icase(35) icase(36) icase(37) icase(38) icase(39)
- icase10(40)
- icase10(50) icase10(60) icase10(70) icase10(80) icase10(90)
- icase10(100) icase10(110) goto pi; ncase10(120) ncase10(130) ncase10(140)
- ncase10(150) icase10(160) icase10(170) icase10(180) icase10(190)
- icase10(200) icase10(210) icase10(220) icase10(230)
- icase(240) icase(241) icase(242) icase(243) icase(244)
- icase(245) icase(246)
- pi: *++csp = int2fixed(c_value_num1(c));
- pushed: if_debug3('1', "[1]%d: (%d) %f\n",
- (int)(csp - cstack), c, fixed2float(*csp));
- break;
- /* Handle 2-byte positive numbers. */
- #define case_num2(n)\
- case c_num2+n: c = c_value_num2(c_num2+n, 0)
- case_num2(0); goto pos2;
- case_num2(1); goto pos2;
- case_num2(2); goto pos2;
- case_num2(3);
- #undef case_num2
- pos2: { c0 = *cip++;
- if_debug2('1', "[1] (%d)+%d\n",
- c, decrypt_this(c0, state));
- *++csp = int2fixed((int)decrypt_this(c0, state) + c);
- decrypt_skip_next(c0, state);
- } goto pushed;
- /* Handle 2-byte negative numbers. */
- #define case_num3(n)\
- case c_num3+n: c = c_value_num3(c_num3+n, 0)
- case_num3(0); goto neg2;
- case_num3(1); goto neg2;
- case_num3(2); goto neg2;
- case_num3(3);
- #undef case_num3
- neg2: { c0 = *cip++;
- if_debug2('1', "[1] (%d)-%d\n",
- c, decrypt_this(c0, state));
- *++csp = int2fixed(c - (int)decrypt_this(c0, state));
- decrypt_skip_next(c0, state);
- } goto pushed;
- /* Handle 5-byte numbers. */
- case c_num4:
- { long lw = 0;
- int i;
- for ( i = 4; --i >= 0; )
- { decrypt_next(*cip, state, c0);
- lw = (lw << 8) + c0;
- cip++;
- }
- *++csp = int2fixed(lw);
- if ( lw != fixed2long(*csp) )
- return_error(gs_error_rangecheck);
- } goto pushed;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Pop a (fixed) number off the internal stack. */
- /* The client uses this to get the arguments for an OtherSubr. */
- int
- gs_type1_pop(gs_type1_state *pis, fixed *pf)
- { *pf = pis->ostack[--(pis->os_count)];
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Termination ------ */
- /* Handle the end of a character. */
- private int near
- type1_endchar(gs_type1_state *pis, gs_state *pgs, gx_path *ppath)
- { /* Set the current point to the character origin */
- /* plus the width. */
- gs_moveto(pgs, fixed2float(pis->width.x), fixed2float(pis->width.y));
- /* If there are no hints, ... */
- if ( pis->fh.snap_h.count || pis->fh.snap_v.count ||
- pis->fh.a_zone_count
- )
- { pgs->fill_adjust = fixed_0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ... tweak the fill adjustment. */
- /* This is based on experience, not theory! */
- { gs_fixed_rect bbox;
- int dx, dy, dmax;
- gx_path_bbox(pgs->path, &bbox);
- dx = fixed2int_ceiling(bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x);
- dy = fixed2int_ceiling(bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y);
- dmax = max(dx, dy);
- pgs->fill_adjust =
- (dmax < 10 ? float2fixed(0.2) :
- dmax < 25 ? float2fixed(0.1) :
- float2fixed(0.05));
- }
- return 0;
- }